Thursday, May 07, 2009

A Lunchtime Winner!

Who doesn't love a sweet tasty treat?

Well my kids L.O.V.E. smoothies, and I love making them as a fun snack or addition to a meal.

I just cut up fruit that's close to going bad & throw it into the freezer-except bananas, I just leave those in the peels & freeze whole. Then when I'm ready to make a smoothie I toss a handful with some yogurt or applesauce into my food processor, hit on and let it whirl!

Pretty simple & D-lishious!!! Plus a great way to keep food from going to waste!

What are your favorite tasty treats to whip together?

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The Bang Theory

Well I have been playing around with different hair styles for ~1 yr now-

long...short...medium...layered...straight ends...

I decided, after seeing pictures of some friends who recently got bangs to try it. Why not?

I've seen pictures of the horrid mullet-like bangs my mother pranced me around in as a little girl & thank the Lord she wised up & grew them out when I was starting school. From then on Mom forbid all suggestions of bangs. So being the obedient middle school age Sarah that I was I cut the slightest wisps of long bangs & hid them from my mother by going to school with my hair wet and slicked back every morning. When I got to school, I quickly went to the girls bathroom & 'fixed' my pitiful attempt at bangs-of course with lots of hairspray.

Fast forward to Saturday- I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but I went for it anyways.

And I'm so glad I did!!! I think it looks great (Zach concurs- which is important!). Maybe it's what I've needed to do this whole time. Does that mean I need to go back and try all those hair styles again, but with bangs this time? hmmmm...
(Also bonus- I can keep headbands in my hair now, when they would always fall out over & over before. I guess I have a ginormous forehead, but none of you told me)

I will post pics when my new Canon Rebel xs comes in the mail THURSDAY!!!!!!

Friday, May 01, 2009

Spicing Up Rainy Days

This Kansas spring has been cold and rainy....

Cold- I can deal with that. We can bundle up & still play outside. Both kids thrive when outdoors & this keeps Mama sane.

But when it's raining what do you do?

We'll I'm fed up, so I've started planning 1 or 2 fun things to do each day despite the rain- so there!

So what have we been up to this week?

We've used the garage as an extension of the outdoors. Bubbles are soooo much fun in the garage! And while bubbles are a challenge in the normal Kansas wind, this is not a problem in the garage. Ride on toys, chalk, and games of chase work great in the open space of the garage.

I had to get over my fear of messes indoors & let the kids 'paint' with chocolate pudding inside. And you know what? It was so much fun for all of us!!! Isaac was busy driving his tractors through the 'mud' while Brooklyn ate the pudding by the fist full. When that ran out she dove face first into her tray to lick whatever her little tongue could reach. And I just laughed & enjoyed watching the kids have fun!!

One day it was warm but raining, so after dinner we all went for a walk in the rain. Isaac splashed in the puddles & ran and burned more calories than he's consumed in days. Brooklyn pushed her hippo walker up & down the sidewalks. We were all soaked, but had huge smiles on our faces when we came in to dry off & get ready for bed.

So despite the weather I have to make every effort to do my best job as a mom. Not every day needs to be filled with huge memorable events, but the little things do matter. I hope when they're older they'll sit around & talk about, "Remember when: Mom took us to... Mom let us.... Mom helped us make..."

So since more rain is in the future I'd love to have some other tricks in my back pocket. What are your favorite rainy day activities?

**FYI- our camera is dead & we're shopping for a new one**
**Sorry about no pics, we'll resolve that soon!!**